(art direction, credit design)
‘WITH’ is a series of video interviews, produced by Without Studio, showcasing the impact that branding has on business.
Designed from Without Studio. Camera Una Burrnand.
(art direction, credit design)
‘WITH’ is a series of video interviews, produced by Without Studio, showcasing the impact that branding has on business.
Designed from Without Studio. Camera Una Burrnand.
Each episode consists of an activity where a member of the design studio participates WITH the founder or CEO of a client company. The activity is always related to their industry, from fitness to travel, hospitality to retail, where the guests discuss the key points that design has had in their business and the insides of their relationship.
The concept was ideated from scratch, from the interview dynamics to the visual look, the editing, and the graphics.
The concept was ideated from scratch, from the interview dynamics to the visual look, the editing, and the graphics.

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