
(campaign design, illustration)

The 1st of December is International Aids Day and every year the City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramanet organizes a public design contest for an awareness campaign. From the Municipal Health Department, posters, bookmarks, condoms, red ribbons, and flyers are distributed in the schools, hospitals and everywhere around the city.

The aim of the campaign is to promote safe sex and AIDS prevention from a positive perspective. The target audience is the population of Santa Coloma, the idea of using pigeons as main characters was chosen as they are the city's symbol and nickname of the people of Santa Coloma, since Coloma means pigeon in Catalan. As the characters are pigeons having sex, no sexist language is used and the sexual relations are reduced to the individuals only, beyond gender or sexualities.

The main colour is red, as it is used worldwide as the colour of fighting and prevention of aids and a very specific Illustration style is used, inspired by the works of Keith Haring.

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