
(art direction, visual identity, editorial)

Petjades d’Aigua or “Water Steps” is a project that aims to recover a part of the soul of Catalan culture, which has fallen into oblivion by dragging the legends and the enchanted places where the magical stories of the “Dones d’Aigua” spring out.

The project consisted in the branding of the editorial in charge of the mitological content and the product desing of the hiking guides that the company produces.

The guides, follow the trail that the “Dones d’Aigua” left in the Pyrenees. Returning to present the legends of these characters and place them in the territory proposing hik- ing itineraries to rediscover them. Transforming in this way, the legends in a new vivid experience.

The project included the research of the legens in association with Júlia Rocas a professional Philologist, the branding of the product with several aplications, photoshoots of the locations, maps digital ilustration, the guides full desing, the managing of the printing process and the binding.

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